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Class 7 (Mathematics)

(NCERT Textbook : Mathematics)

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NCERT Solutions

Ch_9 Rational Numbers

Chapter Solutions

Question 1. List five rational numbers between:

(i) -1 and 0

(ii) -2 and -1

(iii) −45 and −23

(iv) 12 and 23


(i) -1 and 0

Converting each of rational numbers as a denominator 5 + 1 = 6, we have

Hence, the required five rational numbers between -1 and 0 are −56,−23,−12,−13 and −16

(ii) -2 and -1

Converting each of rational numbers as a denominator 5 + 1 = 6, we have

(iii) −45 and −23

Converting each of the rational numbers as a denominator 5 × 3 = 15, we have

Since there is only one integer i.e. -11 between -12 and -10, we have to find equivalent rational numbers.

(iv) 12 and 23

Converting each of the rational numbers in their equivalent rational numbers,

we have


Question 2. Write four more rational numbers in each of the following patterns:


Question 3. Give four rational numbers equivalent to:


Question 4. Draw a number line and represent the following rational numbers on it:


Question 5.The points P, Q, R, S, T, U, A and B on the number line are such that, TR = RS = SU and AP = PQ = QB. Name the rational numbers represented by P, Q, R and S.


Rational numbers represented by P, Q, R and S.73,83,−43 and −53 respectlvely.

Question 6. Which of the following pairs represent the same rational number?


Question 7. Rewrite the following rational numbers in the simplest form:


Question 8. Fill in the boxes with the correct symbol out of >, < and =.


Question 9. Which is greater in each of the following:


Question 10. Write the following rational numbers in ascending order:


Exercise 9.2


Chapter List

Class 7 (Mathematics)

Ch_1 Integers
Ch_2 Fractions and Decimals
Ch_3 Data Handling
Ch_5 Lines and Angles
Ch_6 The Triangles and its Properties
Ch_7 Congruence of Triangles
Ch_8 Comparing Quantities
Ch_9 Rational Numbers
Ch_10 Practical Geometry
Ch_11. Perimeter and Area
Ch_12. Algebraic Expressions
Ch_13. Exponents and Powers
Ch_14. Symmetry
Ch_15. Visualizing Solid Shapes
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