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ARc Report Card Software


              The ARc Report Card Software is an automatic report card generator software for schools affiliated to the board CBSE. The software implements the CBSE's latest Assessment Pattern. However Institutions can customize  and implement their own system of Assessment. The system sets Easy customization of scholastic subjects as well as co-scholastic subjects. Sets main and additional subjects. It can keep additional records of students i.e. email IDs, Mobile Number, Co-curricular activity records, special achievements records etc.

The present version of the system supports the following custom prints/reports:-


  • Reports Cards for Each Assessments

  • Final Report Card

  • Blank Mark List

  • Filled Mark List

  • Tabulation Sheet with Grade/Percentile Summary

  • Students Bio-data

  • Attendance Report

  • Health Status Report

  • Custom Prints of Additional Records

  • Subject Enrichment and copy maint grade sheet

  • PTM Sheet

  • Grade sheet for Co-scholastic areas/subjects 

The present version of the system supports customization in the following sections:-


  • Scholastic Subjects

  • Co-Scholastic Subjects

  • Primary/Secondary Subjects

  • Name of Assessments

  • Max Mark of Each Assessment and Each Subjects ( if necessary)

  • Options for Subjects Enrichment Activity for Each Subjects.

  • Options for Subject with Internal Assessment/Without Internal Assessments

  • Partial Customization of School Information Section

(Note: System is not responsible for any wrong subject combination. Please refer CBSE circular for correct subject combination.)

How to Operate?

  • At first opening of the file, its prompts to enable the macro. Please enable it​


How to set Scholastic Subjects ?

  • In order to Edit the Settings of the Assessment Pattern and Custom Subjects, You need to Log In As an Admin.

  • Go to Settings. Set Scholastic and Co-scholastic Subjects as per your School's requirements by Clicking Edit Button. Internal Assessment means subjects that are required to assess the subject enrichment acitivity and Copy maintainance.


How to set Co-Scholastic Subjects ?

  • Go to Settings. Scroll down the setting page to find the Setting section of Co-scholastic subjetcs. Click on edit button. A User form will open to set Co-scholastic Subjects. Fill the form as per your School's requirements.

How to set Customize Max Marks of the Subjects ?

  • Go to Settings. Scroll down the setting page and find the Custom Editing Max Marks Form. Fill the form and Submit.


How to Customize Subject Enrichment Activity List ?

  • Go to Settings. Scroll down the setting page and find the Custom Editing Subject Enrichment Activity List Form. Fill the Form as per the No of Criteria required for each subjects and Submit.


How to Customize the Student Category List ?

  • Go to Settings. Scroll down the setting page and find the Custom editing Student Category Section. Click on Edit button. It will open an Custom editing Student Category form. Fill the Form and Submit.


How to set passing Criteria of Assessments ?

  • CBSEs has not given any passing criteria for classes I - VIII. But still Schools that wants to implement their own passing criteria for these classes, they can customize in passing criteria editing section. Fill the minimum pass percentage for each subjects as well as the no of subjects required to pass to get promotion to the next class. Submit the form.


How to customize Grading System  ?

  • The system implements the Grading Pattern as per the CBSEs latest circular. But still school/Institutions want to implements their own grading pattern, Go to setting section in the Home page. Click the button relevant button written "Grading System". In the Grading system sheet, click on edit button to open the Custom Grade Editing Form. Fill the with the relevant data as per your school and submit.


How to customize Class Teacher Remarks ?

  • Based on the Percentage performance of student, the system adds a class teachers remark on the Report Card of each student. You can customize the remark in setting section. Go to setting section in the page. Find the button written Class Teachers Remark. It will open Customized Class Teacher Remark Sheet. Click on edit button to open Custom editing Remark Form. Fill the detail and Submit.


How to Edit School Information ?

  • The system allows only a partial editing in the School Information section. Phone number, email Id as well as school address are editable filed. In order to edit these fields, go to School Info section in the Home Page. Find the button written "School and Class Info". It will open School detail sheet. Find the relevant button to edit the the school information section. Edit session as well as section of class (if applicable) in these section.


How to send bulk Email to Students?

  • The system system supports bulk email sending system. In order to send bulk email to the student, set up you email account first (Only Gmail user). In order to set your email account, Open the Email send sheet from the Home page. Click on the setting button to set up your email account. Fill the detail of your account. You need to enable the less secure apps in the gmail account setting section. Google may ask you to verify in the time of sending email. Once your account is set up, email both to specific as well as group can be send.


Note: In case of any difficulty or error, please write to us. Complete support will be provided. 

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